After getting hopelessly lost within a few minutes into a run last Sunday, Margo headed off into the Miller’s Pond Preserve in an opposite direction to the rest of the pack. After arriving at a road and realizing that she was completely lost (and without a cell phone to summon help), she turned back onto the trail and came across a family hiking. When she revealed she was lost and separated from her friends, the family announced they had rescued other runners during the summer and offered to drive her back to the preserve parking lot.
Meanwhile the main pack of runners who had now completed their run and hoped that Margo would have made he way back to the cars, were shocked to discover she wasn’t there. With the rule of “no Bimblers left behind”, they split into three groups and headed back into the woods leaving a couple of others at the cars in case Margo appeared there. The groups had barely disappeared from view when someone by the cars shouted “There’s Margo”, but looking up the trail no one was in sight. “Where?”, came the reply. “In that Volvo station wagon!” And sure enough sheepishly looking out of the window was Margo, safely returned by her rescuers.
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