The sum of pi is 4. Actually the sum of pies was 4, because that was the quantity of them that returned to CT with the party of short loopers running the Leatherman’s Loop at Pound Ridge, NY. The now annual road trip pilgrimage attracted a couple of newbies in the form of Sport and Snapshot Steve, as well as about 16 other veterans of mud fest otherwise know as ‘Leatherman’s’.
Early morning rain didn’t dampen spirits, although 6am departure time from Branford did test the humor of one or two. But with more runners registered than had previously been announced, getting into the park on time might have been a challenge if left too late. Besides, what can beat standing around in the cold and damp chatting with friends!
The race started traditionally late and the field burst out across the field before bearing left onto the first of several mud baths. This is a race where a quick start is essential if you don’t want to be stuck behind inexperienced runners after their initial burst energy at the start. Of course, too much at the beginning can haunt you later on but having tried both approaches, I’d sooner struggle to hang on than get frustrated at the back.[singlepic=6009,280,200,,right]
Leatherman’s is renown for mud and river crossings. In previous years there have been 2, this year a third one popped up about half way through the 10 distance. At waist deep, this was a surprise that did nothing to ‘dampen’ the enjoyment of this wacky race. At the last water crossing, as the runners hauled themselves out of the water, the bank became more and more slippery. The scene is wild and really has to be seen to be believed. However, we do have pictures for armchair enthusiasts.
At the line, Bimble, Guthrie, Shellygirl and Eraser all placed in their age group, while Guthrie continued her success at this event by being the second female finisher overall. Each runner received a pie for their efforts which accompanied home made cake, oat bar, brownies and treats for the post race tail-gate. It was a brief feast, Forrest and Suds left early to join the long loopers in NW Connecticut, and the chilled bodies that stayed departed not long after.
It had been another good day in Bimbledom.
For results, click here.
Thanks Bimble for the report, and the ride! Leathermen’s is a signature race for the Bimblers and Shelly Girl and I are glad we got a chance to run and hang with all of you great folks both before and after. Plus, I have been eating Peach Pie for three days now! Which reminds me, got to go.
I am still cold!