I’m out in Las Cruces, NM for a few days on business but this afternoon I had a couple of hours to explore trails to the east of the city. With temperatures in the mid seventies and bright sunshine, I found a remote trail head that I had read about on the web. It was down a dusty dusty dirt road and the trail snaked off across the scrub towards mountains in the distance. I ran towards them but didn’t quite make it to their base. On the way though I took a few pictures of the views and vegetation which were quite spectacular. On the drive out I also snapped a field of chilies and cotton that looked almost ready for harvest – I hadn’t seen cotton growing before. The world’s largest pecan orchard is also in this region.
The rest of the pictures are here.
This looks fantastic Bimble – thanks for posting it!! No radioactive waste like what Bullwinkle had to run through when he was traveling in Illinois…..