Saturday October 11th saw a final big Bite of the Bluff take place before pre-race tapering starts. Various chunks of the course were nibbled on from a complete start to finish meal, to mid-section snacks. To add to the race director’s stress, everyone reported getting lost at some stage despite carrying maps or directions! So, to anyone worried about getting lost on race day – I suggest you memorize the faces in the picture and remember NOT to follow any of them. Sometimes ‘home advantage’ isn’t necessarily a good thing! Forrest was later heard to say that Saturday was his birthday and normally “I age just one day at a time”. However, after the Bluff he thought “.. I felt like I aged an entire year out on that course today!” Well, we did say it is “…exactly what you think it isn’t…” didn’t we?
Elsewhere, Downhill claimed a Boston qualifying time at the Hartford Marathon while Ticket used the event as a pre Bluff training run. Hardware and Quietman participated in the half marathon.
And runners out bimbling should know the aid stations won’t be much help either with this information … there will be a GPS at one, a MasterPo (but he’s not very good with directions even when he’s using his Garmin), Bounce and others … however, if you want to know the way to some local Carlson brews, we can point you in the right direction … and, MasterPo only knows the way to a Guinness, but that’s only from a sense smell … so you’re on your own, unless you’re buying … if so, we’ll strap our Yak Trax on and join you (ooops, did someone say early snow)
Yikes! Now I am really nervous! Maybe I better let school know I might be late to school for school on Monday the 27th!
And congrats to Downhill on her run at Hartford!!!
Who is marking the course ????????
Has anyone run this course without getting lost? I know Mr. Bimble CLAIMS he has, but I do not think there were any witnesses!