Today, being a day that ends in “y”, seemed a perfect day to have a “bite” of the The Bluff. Plans had been forming for a few days, despite the fact that Mr. Bimble would be taking his meal on Friday. Ultra picked the starting time, 7 AM, and I picked the starting location, Rte. 80. Soon after, Bounce signed up for a tasty morsel as well. My only problem was figuring out what to do with the first half of my day. Downhill offered to wake (does Downhill own an iProd?) Ultra early, but I advised against it. So, after the coffee was consumed, and pack was loaded, I set out with 3 gallons of water to place at Aid Stations 2 (The Bluff), 3 (Braemore), & 4 (Renee’s Way). Unfortunately, when I got back to Rte. 80, it was still only 6 AM! So, I ran down to Guilford Lakes School for my appetizer, going slowly since I didn’t need to be back until 7.
Shortly after I returned, Ultra arrived. Then, the Mayor, a pleasant surprise, then IGGY, not REALLY a surpise because I know she just can’t get enough of The Bluff. Finally, Bounce arrived. And so we all set off with Sadie, Chase, and a completely rehabilitated Sam leading the way.
We had no trouble finding the route, particularly given Mr. Bimble’s artful arrow constructions from the day before. We bimbled easily, enjoying the lack of mud, and dealing with the heat and humidity. I was quite hungry, as was the Mayor, and so we rushed ahead. Hence, we missed the fact that IGGY had enough of this feast and turned arround in Genessee, somewhere in the midst of the long hill. I suspect she is saving her appetite for tomorrow. Eventually, the remaining Bimblers regrouped and pushed ahead. Chase tried to eat several frogs, but the frogs did not cooperate. What else is a dog to do when there are no squirrels or deer out and about. Eventually we reached the Mattabessett, where we paused for quite some time, as nobody seemed quite so hungry anymore. The Mayor and Bounce (check your calendars folks), turned back, and left the rest of this smorgasbord for Ultra and me. We reached Aid Station 2 quickly and easily, and refilled our hydration packs. Here we met 2 other trail runners, new to the area. Ultra would have made you all proud with his salemanship. I think we may have a Bluff racer. 1 for 2 isn’t half bad! They proceeded back the way we had come, and we crossed paths with the potential Bluffer later.
I think we were both starting to feel quite full, having had more than a bite at this point. And yet, if we were so full, how can I explain a lengthy stop before Braemore where we foraged, and feasted, on many raspberries? The pace was slowing as we arrived at Aid Station 3. Another water refill, and we were off quickly, as the aid station workers seemed neither welcoming nor conversational. We plodded on through Braemore and into Rockland, where I am the least confident of the route. In Rockland, we met Gretchen (no, not that Gretchen) who wanted to run with us, or at least Sam. Maybe it is the new haircut, or the mudbath he had just taken (Sammy, you dog you). Gretchen got called back to sit on the porch, and on we went.
Again, despite having “bitten” quite enough, we made a lengthy stop to get our fill of the famous Rockland Wild Blueberries, which were at their peak. Not soon enough, we arrived at Aid Station 4 for another refill (ah, the pleasures of insomnia…). There is an uphill climb to that aid station, but then again, there is an uphill climb to everything on this course. Arriving back at the Genessee cut-off, Ultra and I spread apart a bit. I was really tired, and my foot was sore, so I didn’t think I could run much longer, and hence I opted to run a little faster. Chase came with me for a while before Ultra persuaded him to stick close. The air became a little cooler, and the skies less sunny, what a welcome change…
I was right around the Boundary Stones when the thunderstorm started, the first several minutes without rain. Then, a roar as if a huge waterfall was just off the trail. The rain was deafening as it pelted the leaves. Soon enough, the trails became rivers, and we got a good soaking. There was one lightning strike for which my “one one-thousand” count to measure distance only got to, well, “one one-thousand”. Yikes. I picked up the pace a little more, at least in part so I could call Mrs. Forrest to assure her all was well. Which I did, at which point she advised me the power was out, so there was no shower waiting for me at home. Argh. I tried to dry off, but just standing around it was quite cold as the rain continued. In a few minutes, Ultra, with Sam and Chase, came bounding out of the woods. I told him I would not stay and chat as I was cold, tired, and definitely NOT hungry. I could not have another bite of The Bluff today, no matter what.
Thanks to all for a good run, and I hope this unreasonably long report helps you appreciate how long The Bluff feels. People have written less about the VT100! Downhill: that last comment was for you, would you send in that race report already, please? Speaking of VT100, those of you who have heard my stories know that horses and me don’t get along. Well, another incident occured today in Genessee. I don’t think there is any chance that my trail name will change to “Races with Horses”. Ever. Really.
Wow – terrific reporting there Forrest – I can’t believe how long you guys were out there! I turned back at 8 after getting to the top and down many hills 🙂 I guess I am running a road race tomorrow….. roads – argh!
So I nearly got 2 hours in the woods – I agree the trails were marked beautifully & I enjoyed some solitude today on the way back. Thanks for making sure I could find my way out there guys!!
Downhill – I would love to read your report – you inspire me!
It was sooo much fun i will join the race toda(y)
Iggs you missed a great rain storm !!!!
Thanks for reminding me. I just printed out my application so I can mail it in, today, because you know I really don’t like to use “The Internet” 🙂
Sounds like some of you had a long Saturday. Nice writing piece….as I read your account (being a participant on some of those trails over several visits) I found myself with “minds-eye” tears in response. I hope you recovered from your “over-bite”!