“Don’t attack a hill from the very bottom, it is bigger than you are.”
– Harry Groves, Penn State Coach.
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OK, I HAVE to comment on this, only because I have a very strong opinion about hills. Particularly in training. I remind myself that as my hill training progresses, I get tougher, but the hill doesn’t. So even if, at the beginning of the season, it is “bigger than me”, it doesn’t finish the season that way.
OK, I HAVE to comment on this, only because I have a very strong opinion about hills. Particularly in training. I remind myself that as my hill training progresses, I get tougher, but the hill doesn’t. So even if, at the beginning of the season, it is “bigger than me”, it doesn’t finish the season that way.
I KNEW that one would get to you. HA 🙂