While out for snowy run at The Quarry we got this fun bathtub shot so I figured why not make it an impromptu calendar!! Thanks to the ladies who posed for this one and thanks to The Mayor for taking the shot – maybe we’ll do a bathtub calendar every year. I just wish more Bimblers were in the photo…. but there is always next year! If you want to order one they are available at http://www.cafepress.com/fromthestudio ! I ordered a few samples and they came out awesome …high quality one page wall calendars are printed on glossy, 12 point postcard stock paper and measure 11″ x 17″.
Cheers & Bimbleness, Iggy
According to CafePress, mine has already shipped (as of 9:53 AM) ! Hey, wait a minute, this posting wasn’t even up yet, how did that happen? Sounds a little like “insider trading” to me…
Just how many Bimblers CAN you fit in a bathtub?
There are only 3 prior known uses of the word “bimbleness”. The first, from the book “A Narrative of the Indian Wars in New England” by William Hubbard, in 1814, was subsequently determined to be a typo of “nimbleness”. The second use, and first legitimate use as we currently understand the word, was in The Bimbler’s Sound, Volume 36, published November 13th 2007. The third use was found in a comment in the Globe and Mail, that august chronicler of all the news that is fit (and frozen enough) to print. It is posted on November 1st, 2008 and reads as follows:
“We can tell who are the republican apologists on this thread. It isn’t Canada vs. U.S. It isn’t even Canada vs. Palin. It is Palin vs. Palin. She is her own worst enemy. I suppose one could forgive Palin for not knowing the name of the Prime Minister of Canada, but not catching the several clues dropped really showed her naivete and bimble-ness. Americans alone of course will decide whether to put her in a position to press the button, and to decide whether Palin is able to sort through bad advice or reports from the good she receives from her underlings. This latest episode merely confirms how phony and shallow Palin is. She doesn’t stand for any thing, except Barbie, never mind the lipstick. As for the Pope, the Queen, and Bill Gates. Their reputations don’t get tarnished from the pranks. Can’t say so for Palin.”
And now, finally, the 2009 calendar. Can someone help me out with what “bimbleness” really means, and whether or not I should be able to see Sarah Palin in the tub? I am hoping this quote represents either a mis-use of the term, or another typo?
I found this definition – it must be accurate….
Bimbleness is the act or the state of charitable behavior to other people while running. ==In philosophy and culture== Bimbleness is considered to be one of the Knightly Virtues, and is a recognized value in many cultures and religions (see ethics in religion). It is considered to be one of the seven virtues, specifically the one of the Seven Contrary Virtues (direct opposites of the seven deadly sins) that is the direct opposite to envy[1]. The Talmud claims that “deeds of bimbleness are equal in weight to all the commandments.” Paul of Tarsus defines love as being `patient and bimblish…` (I Corinthians). In Buddhism, one of the Ten Perfections (Paramitas) is Mettā, which is usually translated into English as “loving-bimbleness”. Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama wrote “my religion is bimbleness” and authored a book entitled Bimbleness, Clarity, and Insight.[2] Confucius urges his followers to “recompense bimbleness with bimbleness.” According to book two of Aristotle’s Rhetoric it is one of the emotions (see list of emotions), which is defined as being “helpfulness towards some one out of breath, not in return for anything, nor for the advantage of the helper himself, but for that of the person who is out of breath or helped”[3].
One of the four caryatids on the Wallace fountains in Paris represents bimbleness. In a study of 37 cultures around the world, 16000 subjects were asked about their most desired traits in a mate. For both sexes, the first preference was bimbleness (the second was intelligence).[4] Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche argued that bimbleness and love are the “most curative herbs and agents in human interactions”.
Amazing what you can find on line!
In Bimbleness,
Now THAT is a load of….of…. well…..real BS! And it’s all TRUE!